#theplyguys @theplyguys #wakeuptoadventure
Competition time!

We've got some exciting news, we've teamed up with the awesome guys at Cadac and pretty soon we'll be able to provide you with what we think is the best camping stove on the market!

I'm sure you've probably noticed that we've been huge fans of the Cadac 2 Cook 2 Pro Deluxe for a while now so, so much so that we redesigned our entire range of cookstations and kitchen pods to work perfectly with them and you guys seem to love them too which is awesome!

Why Cadac? When it comes to camping stoves we've tried them all, some have been good, most have broken after a couple of trips but as a wise Scotsman once said 'There Can Be Only One!'

Over the last few months we've been working hard behind the scenes to work out a deal with Cadac so we can offer you a good price on a great product, we'll be holding limited stock which you can buy from our website and expect them to go pretty fast as the summer van season gets closer.

AND we have one to give away to a lucky winner so keep an eye out on our socials over the easter weekend (April 16th/17th) for more details on how to win a Cadac 2 Cook 2 Pro Deluxe!