#theplyguys @theplyguys #wakeuptoadventure

Over the Easter break you might have spotted our Cadac competition to win one of our favourite camping stoves, the Cadac 2 Cook 2 Pro Deluxe! To our surprise over 1000 of you entered and basically broke our Instagram!

Well in the wise words of a Scotsman dressed as a Spanish peacock "There can be only one!", so congratulations to Sara Cowie from the Lake District, your prize will be on its way to you soon!
I'm sure you've probably noticed that we've been huge fans of the Cadac 2 Cook 2 Pro Deluxe for a while now so, so much so that we redesigned our entire range of cookstations and kitchen pods to work perfectly with them and you guys seem to love them too which is awesome!
We'll be stocking these at the beginning of May so keep an eye on our Campervan Lifestyle & Accessories section to add one to you build!