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Ardrock with Santa Cruz UK

August 2021: Ardrock Mountain Bike Race Weekend

As you can probably tell, we like bikes. So when an email dropped in from the team at Santa Cruz UK, the office went quiet, you could hear sawdust falling to the floor in the workshop, the coffee machine went on and we all had to have a sit down - was this for real?!

Turns out it definitely was.

Fast forward a few months and we were at Ardrock with the Santa Cruz team and all their bikes were standing proud on Ply Guys bespoke display stands.

Designed for easy self assembly these stands pop up in no time and can flat pack with ease, saving time during set up and strip down but also taking up much less space in the Santa Cruz van.

They also are crafted to be capable of holding the whole range, regardless of wheelbase or tyre size.

The Santa Cruz team also let us make them a wee coffee table for their chill out spot, and leave some sneaky Ply Guys merch hanging around....

Next year we're going to be heading to our first events with our vans and van systems on show for you all, and Ardrock is on the list - so see you there!

We'll be taking the bikes too and giving the race a whirl, afterall that's why we design and build our campervan systems, to enjoy the outdoors.


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